Children’s playground at the entry to the Building 800 radiation laboratory complex and industrial landfill at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard — a Federal Superfund Site. Photo: AP Sumchai
Traveling east on Palou Avenue at the intersection of 3rd Street, we approach the historic Crisp Road entry to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard — a Federal Superfund system and campus of the United States Naval Radiological Defense Laboratories — located half mile from the major transit center in Bayview Hunters Point.
Community mural located at the major intersection of 3rd & Palou in BVHP...half a mile west from the radiation contaminated shoreline and landfill at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.
Major Transit Routes in BVHP — All streets east of 3rd Street between Evans to the north and Carroll to the south lead to the western fence line of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Yosemite Slough Federal Superfund sites. Palou Avenue intersects at it’s 1000 block origin with the Crisp Road entry to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard southern shoreline and industrial landfill.
Innes Avenue Route Hunters Point Shipyard Redevelopment Photo: AP Sumchai
The Dirty Development of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard…no place for a child to live, play…or pray!
Crisp Road entry HPNS Federal Superfund site at Griffith and Palou Avenue. The unreinforced chain metal fence is across the street from public and private housing, playgrounds, daycare centers, basketball courts and two churches. Photo: AP Sumchai
Entering the Crisp Road gate to the shipyards southern shoreline we come upon the NRDL laboratory complex. Building 830 is located within feet of the fifty acre Parcel E-2 Industrial landfill - a radioactive dump separately designated a Federal Superfund site.
Building 830 is the UCSF Compound located at 75 Crisp Road is estimated to be 200 feet north of a radioactive dump. Building 830 houses approximately 15 state employees, many of whom have undergone urinary screenings detecting shipyard soil elements. A UCSF internal investigation released in 2021 detected cesium, radium, thorium and uranium progeny in soils outside the compound. Photo: UCSF Human Resources
Building 815 served as consolidated headquarters for the Naval Radiological Defense laboratories from 1955 to 1969. NRDL scientists poured radioactive waste into the laboratory drains in Building 815 with full approval of the Atomic Energy Commission.
Community Window On Environmental Exposures — HP Biomonitoring received $50,000 from CalEPA and $250,000 from the Environmental Justice Data Fund to launch and build out a project to create a live and virtual window on toxic exposures to environmental chemicals released by a system of Federal Superfund Sites located in Southeast San Francisco.
The Parcel E-2 Industrial Landfill is nested within the heavily contaminated shoreline of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard — a Federal Superfund site. The shoreline drains southward into the South Basin of San Francisco Bay and westward toward 3rd Street via Yosemite Slough- a Federal Superfund site.
The Navy is conducting deep soil excavations and heavy equipment operations at the Parcel E-2 Industrial landfill and south along the western fence line of the shipyards radiation contaminated shoreline. The Navy calls this region the Panhandle Area. Private homes, public housing, historic mansions, churches, playgrounds, daycare centers and community centers are located within fifty feet of the most dangerously contaminated regions on the Hunters Point shoreline.
Navy heavy equipment vehicles within feet of the “naked” chain metal fence separating the radiation contaminated Panhandle Area and Industrial Landfill from a “nest” of sensitive receptors including homes, workers, playgrounds and churches. Photo: Hunters Point resident
Caheed Infant Daycare Center located at 1030 Oakdale Avenue 100 feet west from deep soil excavation sites at a Federal Superfund site. Photo: AP Sumchai
Deep soil excavations conducted by both the Navy & Master Developer at an unbarricaded chain metal fence within feet of homes, playgrounds, churches and community centers in Hunters Point. The Parcel E-2 Industrial landfill is located feet away from University of California workers in Building 830 seen in the immediate backdrop of the backhoe excavator. Photo: Hunters Point resident
Relationship of landfill and southern shoreline to western fence line and panhandle region located within feet of the Crisp Road entry to sensitive receptors including homes, playgrounds, churches and community centers.
The Navy’s Parcel E-2 Record of Decision documents chemical and radiological cancer risks as high as 6 in 10,000 in the Panhandle Area adjacent to residences, playgrounds, churches and community centers and Hazard Indices as high as 100 in the East Adjacent Area.
Parcel E-2 Record of Decision Declaration Summary of Parcel E-2 Radiological Operations
HP Biomonitoring radioactive biomarkers of concern (ROC) cluster centers around Palou Avenue/Crisp Road entry to HPNS
HP Biomonitoring Radiogenic cancer cluster updated 08/01/22. A cluster has emerged along Quesada Avenue that includes a woman diagnosed with breast cancer at age 27, two men in the same house who died of throat cancer, a man who died of colon cancer after being diagnosed with prostate cancer, a mother diagnosed with pancreatic cancer whose son died of lymphoma and whose neighbor was also diagnosed with lymphoma.
Quesada Avenue Garden Initiative located on a trajectory six blocks west of the Parcel E-2 Industrial landfill. Quesada Avenue residents enjoy fresh produce grown in the community garden. Photo: Quesada Gardens Facebook page
A 3 year old who eats his vegetables:
CUEP screening conducted on 3 year old male who ingests produce from community garden located half a mile west from the shipyards heavily contaminated shoreline and industrial landfill. Radionuclides and chemicals of concern documented to be present at the Superfund sites detected in very high normal to floridly toxic concentrations include bismuth, nickel, thallium, tin, tungsten, copper, vanadium and zinc.
Photograph taken by a Hunters Point hilltop resident in June 2020 captures a backhoe excavator within 15 feet of a chain metal fence with no dust barriers along Kiska Road taken. Deep soil excavations began by Executive Order of Mayor London Breed during the peak of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and height of the California wildfire season. The Willie Mays Boys & Girls club, Wu Yee Children’s Services, Westbrook Apartments and private homes are located within feet of this location. A four year old boy who lived on Navy Road, one block south of this location died of brain cancer in April of 2022. Photo: Hunters Point resident
The newly renovated Bayview KC Jones Playground is located a quarter of a mile from Yosemite Slough — a Federal Superfund site designated in 2016. HP Biomonitoring is seeking a DTSC Tag grant to conduct environmental testing for chemicals of concern in playgrounds and gardens in South Central Hunters Point . Photo: AP Sumchai
Navigating the Toxic Triangle in Hunters Point
The Hunters Point Biomonitoring Foundation activated a National Response Center Incident Report on July 29, 2022 upon receipt of urinary screening detections in a three year old boy including toxic heavy metals documented by the Navy and US EPA to be chemicals of concern at HPNS and by the State of California as Proposition 65 list cancer causing chemicals.
Cancer Risks and Hazard Indices for Chemicals of Concern in Parcel A soils include heavy metals detected in high normal to toxic concentrations in a three year old boy living and eating produce on Quesada Avenue — nickel, copper, thallium, vanadium and zinc. Tin and Bismuth detected in toxic concentrations are documented as radioisotopes of concern and used at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard by the Historical Radiological Assessment. Graphic: Parcel A Record of Decision
The Historic Radiological Assessment identifies a list of over 30 Radionuclides of Concern at HPNS in Section 4. Navy Operations has reduced the number of ROCs they intend to clean up to ten.
Intersection Palou/Crisp Road playground — Dust barriers were erected along the Griffith Street western fence line within a week of NRC Incident Report August 7, 2022
Founder, Director, PI - HP Biomonitoring/ Founding Chair- Radiological Committee Hunters Point Shipyard RAB 2001, Former Attending MD VA Toxic Registry & SFDPH